Standard Papers

Discover the perfect balance of affordability and
quality with our standard papers for your single-use stationery items.
Leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Premium Papers

Upgrade your brand with our premium papers.
Select the suitable thickness and texture.
Make your collaterals and stationery stand out.

Binding Papers

The ideal choice for restaurant menus, bill holders, books and publications. These papers offer extreme durability and resistance to water.

Packaging Papers

Share your storytelling through custom packaging designs. Choose the perfect paper from our collection, available in various colours and textures.

Premium Papers

Upgrade your brand with our premium papers.

Select the suitable thickness and texture. Make your collaterals and stationery stand out.

Standard Papers

Discover the perfect balance of affordability and quality with our standard papers for your single-use stationery items. Leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Packaging Papers

Share your storytelling through custom packaging designs. 
Choose the perfect paper from our collection,
available in various colours and textures.

Binding Papers

The ideal choice for restaurant menus, bill holders, books and publications.
These papers offer extreme durability and resistance to water.  

What we can Create with Paper

Explore MasterFold’s broad range of materials.

Unlock your creativity and enrich your brand experience.

Our Selection of Materials

Explore MasterFold’s broad range of materials.

Unlock your creativity and enrich your brand experience.

Explore MasterFold’s broad range of materials.

Unlock your creativity and enrich your brand experience.